Addison Bennett

If you looked up the term 'cute' in the dictionary, there's a pretty good chance you'd see Addison's picture there. They're the keyboardist for the musical group The Breman Avenue Experience. They're very outgoing and love to help out whenever someone's in trouble. They also have an avid interest in the paranormal.

First Appearance: #53 - The Beach 6 Last Appearance: #222 - Erotic Expectations 7
See all appearances of Addison Bennett

Angela Schnieder

A professional masseuse with the spa and resort; Tranquility. She had originally planned to study to become a registered nurse... however she got caught up with the her job at Tranquility. The hours were good, the pay was amazing. She ended up dropping out of college and focusing on her job there. She's happy though she does have the occasional moments where she wonders if it was the right decision.

First Appearance: #150 - The Spa Getaway 3
See all appearances of Angela Schnieder

Brendan "Captain Charisma"

A veteran in the field of professional wrestling, Brendan has developed a bit of an inflated ego and a self-entitled attitude to boot. Though that's not to say he's not good at his craft. He's been the poster boy for a number of promotions throughout his career with GWW being the latest one... well that is until very recently.

He loves to work out and boasting about his stature and capabilities even more. The only person he's in love with is himself, success and money following very closely after. It's hard to determine whether or not he respected the sport of pro wrestling at some point of his life but one thing is for sure. He realized it worked for him and he refused to let go the moment he realized this.

First Appearance: #185 - Wrestling The Competition 2 Last Appearance: #198 - The Resilient Rich Recalcitrant 8
See all appearances of Brendan

Carol Leah Ames

Dedicated teacher, passionate lover and one of John's many, many weaknesses. She's a smart and absolutely gorgeous woman who shares a polyamerous relationship with Trent, Max, Wallace and Sebastian. She recently has reconnected with her sister Carol, meeting up with her every so often.

Her relationship with John is pretty complicated. He can't help but faint when she's around because he essentially considers her a goddess of beauty. He can't help but swoon to the extent of fainting each time she's physical close. She hopes to one day help him past that.

First Appearance: #179 - The Birthday Boy 1 Last Appearance: #181 - The Birthday Boy 3
See all appearances of Carol Leah Ames

Charmini Owens

An infinite source of sage advice and owner of countless adorable plushies, that's Charmini. She's also the drummer for The Breman Avenue Experience. Drumming has always been a great way to unwind for her. She also loves to stay at home and bury herself in books and writing.

First Appearance: #53 - The Beach 6 Last Appearance: #157 - The New Start 6
See all appearances of Charmini Owens

Cheryl Ames

Cheryl is a very sensible and practical person. Despite the rather rocky path her life has taken (ever since dealing with an accused, racist murderer.) she's managed to get things back on track. Aside from working at the Capsaicin Lounge as a cook, she moonlights as a security adviser for Skyline Mall.

Cheryl is originally from Tailsteak's concluded comic Leftover Soup.

First Appearance: #23 - Vegan Violence 5 Last Appearance: #183 - The Birthday Boy 5
See all appearances of Cheryl Ames

Clifford Jackson "Action Jackson"

A veteran of the professional wrestling circuit, Jackson has wrestled with countless opponents and has even been crowned champion on a handful of occasions. However, despite his success, he bowed out of the circuit at an early age to focus on raising his daughter JayJay, not wanting to be an absentee father. In his later years, she was on her way of becoming an independent woman, Action decided to pick up wrestling again, wanting to revisit his glory days.

Though unfortunately, he found that being of a certain age, it was rather difficult finding a place that would take a chance on him. This of course would change when he would get hired at Ready 2 Rumble Wrestling. Despite his better judgement, he felt like he couldn't turn down such a lucrative offer.

However, after the intervention of his daughter and a hard hitting article from The Daily Dispatch, he was convinced to join the much less lucrative but much more moral Get Wreckt Wrestling.

First Appearance: #188 - Wrestling The Competition 5 Last Appearance: #198 - The Resilient Rich Recalcitrant 8
See all appearances of Clifford Jackson

Dr. Barbara Withering

Dr. Withering wasn’t always a horrible enemy to the environment. At one point, she worked as a scientist, trying to advance all sorts of green technologies. However, the upward battle against those who didn’t believe in helping or saving the environment got her. Once she learned she could make twice as much developing harmful, polluting tech opposed to greener, safer ones, she slid down a steep hope of greed.

The money and power transformed her into the woman she is now. Thanks to her newly found colleagues and passion for pollution, she spends most (if not all) of her days trying to think of ways to make the Earth more toxic. She recently formed a joint company called Smog Inc with her friend Maximillian Morebocks. Together they take on the polluting and waste needs of other businesses and under their soul banner, dump, burn and destroy things with no consideration for

First Appearance: #130 - The Eco Warriors 5 Last Appearance: #198 - The Resilient Rich Recalcitrant 8
See all appearances of Dr. Barbara Withering


A rather prolific professional wrestler, Ein is who you would call, the best in the business. Having made his start in the independent circuit, he used to wrestle with Iris as part of a tag team for a few years. In that time, they managed to form a strong bond and have remained good friends ever since.

Character originally created by EinDoesArt.

First Appearance: #56 - The Bump 2 Last Appearance: #222 - Erotic Expectations 7
See all appearances of Ein

Ellen Halligan

When there is dice to be tossed, she'll be there. When someone needs help min-maxing a character, she'll be there. When there's a computer that needs repairs because someone spilled there overly saturated sugar soda on their computer tower; she'll be there begrudgingly since she'd rather not spend all day at work if she doesn't need to.

She recently discovered a new hobby of being a Gamemaster for the LARP over at the renaissance faire. Getting to sass people and throw nerf-related projectiles at them? Sign her the hell up!

She was originally from a concluded webcomic called Leftover Soup by Tailsteak!

First Appearance: #67 - The Incident 8 Last Appearance: #236 - The Dresden Files 13
See all appearances of Ellen Halligan

Gloria Miller "The Swan"

As you can probably guess, Gloria wasn’t always a wrestler. She spent much of her young life as a ballet dancer, being one of the most celebrated performers in her time. However that all changed when a talent scout that happened to see one of her performances, begged her to give pro wrestling a try. Gloria agreed to do so with some hesitation but her curiosity peaked.

One thing lead to another and Gloria soon found herself deeply enamoured with the world of pro wrestling. So much so that she semi-retired from ballet dancing and focused a lot of her energy into it. So much so that she became quite skilled and prided herself in teaching up and coming wrestlers how to do things the right way. Her already extensive ballet background had earned her the alias “The Swan” which ended up being her wrestling gimmick when she was on any given active roster.

First Appearance: #155 - The New Start 4 Last Appearance: #227 - The Dresden Files 4
See all appearances of Gloria Miller


A formidable person with an even more formidable heart. Harley's work experience has been mostly as a bouncer, keeping people out of trouble and keeping troublesome people out. He stumbled upon the wrestling industry on a whim, having a fondness for it. He takes professional wrestling very seriously and considers it an art form as well as a source for exciting entertainment.

He currently works as an assistant trainer for Get Wreckt Wrestling and has taken on the role of 'Head of Security' after a kerfuffle with an opposing promotion's staff.

First Appearance: #184 - Wrestling The Competition 1 Last Appearance: #194 - The Resilient Rich Recalcitrant 4
See all appearances of Harley

Harold Davenport

Former professional bodybuilder Harold Davenport was one of the best around. Always getting top scores whenever he would go to an event. However he always desired a more domestic lifestyle. Getting married, having kids and living in a roomy house with a white picket fence has always been a big desire for him. So much so that he pretty much spent his entire adult life pursuing this dream. A dream that kind of became a handful when he ended up having four kids. The dream got further complicated when his kids didn’t really see eye to eye with him on chosen career paths.

One wanted to move to India and study abroad, another wanted to practice alternative medicine. Another wanted to pursue a career as a Hollywood stuntwoman. All but one decided to follow in his footsteps. He would never say it out loud, but Iris was always his favorite for that very reason.

First Appearance: #162 - The Reunion 4
See all appearances of Harold Davenport

Heather Lockhart

Heather is the sultry and electrifying bandleader of Mercy's Fist. She's rude, crude and doesn't pay mind to any sort of consequence due to her actions. Unlike her band mates, her personality doesn't differ much off or on the stage. She's been known to do and say rather outlandish things. Like proclaiming her distaste of pro-environment groups to making out with fans onstage. She does what she wants and gets what she wants. If her morality were a compass, the needle would have fallen out ages ago.

First Appearance: #77 - The Ex 2 Last Appearance: #125 - A Test of Friendship 5
See all appearances of Heather Lockhart

Irene Oda Brown

In her youth, Irene used to be a singer back in her home country. Along with her brothers, she would travel to various taverns, restaurants and special events. She eventually met a suave and handsome singer who completely swept her off her feet and took her overseas to start a new life.

Unfortunately that new life apparently consisted of running off to perform while leaving her to take care of their newly born child. At first Irene wanted to give her husband a chance to get it out of his system. To let him perform for a while before deciding to settle down with her. Alas, settling down never came as even a consideration for the man. Irene refused to raise her child in such unstable, constantly moving conditions so she ultimately decided part ways with her husband and settle down in a single place.

Since then, she used her entire savings and the occasional financial assistance from her now ex-husband to build a humble flower shop and to raise her boy properly with kindness, understanding and above all, stability.

First Appearance: Style Change Last Appearance: #172 - The Gift Giving Gaffe 4
See all appearances of Irene Oda Brown

Iris Davenport

Iris comes from a long line of athletes, body builders and gym rats. However her life's desires began to conflict with those of her parents and so they quickly drifted apart. Iris always had a tough time coping with her sheer size and demeanor. When people look at her, they tend to raise an eyebrow or feel intimidated.

Due to this typical reaction from people, Iris had quickly become cold, distant and disconnected in order to protect herself from getting hurt. That is, until she met a moonlighting wrestling referee named John who helped her realize there was still good people out there.

First Appearance: #28 - The Wrestling Connection 5 Last Appearance: #236 - The Dresden Files 13
See all appearances of Iris Davenport

Jamie Halligan

A man whose cooking skills are a sight to behold, while at the same time can be as dense as lead. Jamie has been proven to be a bit of an enigma for some. When not trying to clear his name from any wrong-doing, Jamie can often be found making board games or cooking something incredibly delicious at home. Every once in a while, he takes the time to teach John how to cook. It is an ongoing process.

He was originally from a concluded webcomic called Leftover Soup by Tailsteak.

First Appearance: #67 - The Incident 8 Last Appearance: #236 - The Dresden Files 13
See all appearances of Jamie Halligan

Jane Jackson-Frei

Jane runs a rescue and adoption center. She also engages in a number of protests in causes that she believes in. She tends to be the voice of reason when protesting with friends. Or at least she tries to be. She also makes a mean vegan burrito.

Jane is from Tailsteak's concluded comic Leftover Soup.

First Appearance: #90 - Courts, Camps & Canoodling 2 Last Appearance: #198 - The Resilient Rich Recalcitrant 8
See all appearances of Jane Jackson-Frei

Jo Calderón

Professional lawyer by day, womanizer and Dungeon Master at night, Jo is a man of many skills. He tends to be the practical decision maker and the voice of reason in the group. When not putting out fires or dealing with the justice system, he spends his time free time painting, playing D&D and occasionally chasing after women.

Although it seems that his group of friends frustrate and baffle him at times, he actually finds them endearing. He also considers them to be a tether to a normal social life since without them, he knows he can easily drown himself in nothing but work.

First Appearance: #4 - Humble Beginnings 4 Last Appearance: #174 - The Gift Giving Gaffe 6
See all appearances of Jo Calderón

John Brown

If there was a human embodiment of positivity, naivety and goofball-ness, it would be John. This attitude served him well for a while since most of his childhood was spent traveling from city to city, never really settling down for too long.

He was solely raised by his mother who ended up deciding to finally settle down and leave her non-present husband. John typically means well but more often than not, finds himself biting off more than he can chew in life.

First Appearance: #1 - Humble Beginnings 1 Last Appearance: #236 - The Dresden Files 13
See all appearances of John Brown


A friend to all and a jack of all trades, Kel is someone that everyone knows. She tends to help out at Get Wreckt Wrestling doing administrative work. She also helps Mallory out at Oth Koth B'Goth doing the same kind of work. Well, that and making sure Mallory doesn’t get in over her head with various ambitious exploits. She’s very wise and tends to be the voice of reason for many!

First Appearance: #159 - The Reunion 1 Last Appearance: #198 - The Resilient Rich Recalcitrant 8
See all appearances of Keliope


If there’s one thing that can be said about Kiesha, is that she’s done it all and seen it all. She’s well-versed in life and in people. Luckily enough, this hasn’t discouraged her from her profession and from wanting to help people in general. Kiesha tends to be the go-to paramedic when it comes to the more difficult calls. It probably has to do with being able to restrain or subdue erratic patients and/or suspects at a moments notice, swiftly and with unrelenting force. Her assistance is even asked for by local law enforcement if she happens to be in the vicinity.

While she received plenty of offers to join the local police department, she turned down every single one. She explained that she would rather help people than “Whatever the hell cops do on a daily basis”.

First Appearance: #126 - The Eco Warriors 1 Last Appearance: #228 - The Dresden Files 5
See all appearances of Kiesha

Lamonte Saddler

Lamonte is one of those people that can’t seem to make up his mind on things. He wants to get a better loft in life in education but he doesn’t wanna get slapped with years of debt. So the young man found himself volunteering at a local train station and working part time out of Oth Koth B'Goth. He’s a pretty chill fellow who can be a bit terse at times but he means well.

First Appearance: #169 - The Gift Giving Gaffe 1 Last Appearance: #177 - Spiritual Searching 3
See all appearances of Lamonte Saddler

Lance Walker

Lance’s life has been filled with lots of twists and turns. Being an adolescent during the golden age of arcade games, he was fully enthralled by these new technological feats in entertainment. After all, it seemed like they were taking over the world. So much so that he was able to make a bit of a career out of it. Coaching people on how to play various games, playing tournaments and making the occasional ‘local celebrity’ spokesperson appearance. Of course when the inevitable video game crash of 1983

First Appearance: #105 - Hobby Hunting 5
See all appearances of Lance Walker

Leslie Bennett

Heir to the Captain Christopher's Cornball empire, Leslie comes from a family of priviledge, prestige and corporate titans who managed to strike it rich with a franchise that specializes in greasy, sphere-shaped junk food. Leslie themself is a bit of a flamboyant personality. Doing things on a whim with very little concern about the consequences that follow. Although they mean well, their actions sometimes cause grief for those around him.

First Appearance: #145 - Old Wounds 4 Last Appearance: #146 - Old Wounds 5
See all appearances of Leslie Bennett

Luis Velasquez

Professional musician, songwriter and producer, Luis is a man of many talents. He spent all of his adult life trying to make it big in the music industry. He never really made it as big as he wanted to but ended up building a modest presence in the industry. Unfortunately that drive and obsession never translated well for parenting.

First Appearance: #44 - The Father 1 Last Appearance: #46 - The Father 3
See all appearances of Luis Velasquez

Mahaa el-Javid

Mahaa runs an eatery called The Soup Kitchen located in the food court of Skyline Mall. She is quite proud of her business and takes pride in her success and the quality of her various soups. She is known to be very strict in regards to how she runs her kitchen and tends to be quite abrasive if people don't listen to her or follow her rules. She's a good person, though she has proven to be a bit complicated to get to know and understand.

John is one of the few people that Mahaa tends to be friendly towards on a regular basis. She is quite fond of him and tends to try to spoil him with soup whenever he visits her.

First Appearance: #173 - The Gift Giving Gaffe 5
See all appearances of Mahaa el-Javid


One of the many security guards over at Skyline Mall. She's very wide-eyed and ambitious. She hopes to one day be able to work in cyber security. In the meantime she seems to be quite content helping out with providing physical unnamed security for the local mall. She's very mellow and tends to get through life one day at a time.

First Appearance: #173 - The Gift Giving Gaffe 5
See all appearances of Maliha


A lot of words can describe Mallory. Bubbly, perky, excitable. Nothing that is commonly associated with a typical goth, let alone one that owns a goth-themed store but Mallory has always been one to break the mold on expectations. It's one of the big reasons she also runs a party planning business. She always had a knack for business but because of her lifestyle, opportunities were hard to come by. So she ended up making opportunities for herself. She quickly found out she had a knack for business ventures.

First Appearance: #160 - The Reunion 2 Last Appearance: #223 - Erotic Expectations 8
See all appearances of Mallory

Marita Oda

Marita is one of many siblings in the Oda family. However, unlike the others, she was more interested in the medical field as opposed to being an entertainer. She was very successful, working out of various hospitals and private practices. She continued with her career for many, many years until her relationship with her mother eventually exploded with the two arguing and fighting until Marita self-exiled herself out of the country. She ended up creating her own practice nearby one of the only other family members she still trusted.

When it comes down to it, Marita is a very carefree individual. She enjoys letting her hair down and having a good time, something her family would often frown upon. She's essentially single and ready to mingle with no plans on settling down with a single person. Her demeanor changes drastically when she's working her job though. One would hazard a guess that the reason she's so wild and free off duty is because she acts so polite and professional during her job.

First Appearance: #116 - All You Need is Love 1 Last Appearance: #153 - The New Start 2
See all appearances of Marita Oda

Mark Sloan

Mark is the head of security at Skyline Mall. He's been working there for almost as long as anyone can remember. He enjoys murder mysteries, singing, dancing and has some minor experience in musical theater.

First Appearance: #109 - A Change of Pace 3 Last Appearance: #110 - A Change of Pace 4
See all appearances of Mark Sloan

Max Hellenberger

Max is a ball of spunk... which is ironically enough, one of her favorite terms. If Addison was outgoing, Max is that but four times as much. She's very straight to the point and is never shy about much of anything. Also hugging for Max can sometimes involve all limbs.

She's originally from Tailsteak's concluded comic Leftover Soup.

First Appearance: #61 - The Incident 2 Last Appearance: #236 - The Dresden Files 13
See all appearances of Max Hellenberger

Maximilian Morebucks

As for as he’s concerned, Max was born rich and will die rich. There’s only one thing that makes him happier than an obscene amount of cold hard cash. It’s doing irreparable damage to Earth. While most rich business execs merely do things as a result of not caring about the environment, Maximilian goes out of his way to loot and pollute in every possible way he can.

He recently joined forces with Dr. Barbara Withering to form the conglomerate; Smog Incorporated. Using the company to essentially do a lot of big businesses’ dirty work in regards to pollution. If you’ve got toxic waste that needs dumping, just let Smog Inc handle it! Anywhere’s a good dumping spot as long as you have enough money.

First Appearance: #130 - The Eco Warriors 5 Last Appearance: #133 - The Eco Warriors 8
See all appearances of Maximilian Morebucks


Teacher, inventor extraordinaire and part time announcer for Get Wreckt Wrestling; Merle is someone who wears many hats and who thoroughly enjoys new experiences. They may or may not have a laboratory they work out of, developing all sorts of tech on a personal and professional basis. It may be just a rumor. Or if it's true, access is very restricted.

First Appearance: #188 - Wrestling The Competition 5 Last Appearance: #220 - Erotic Expectations 5
See all appearances of Merle

Monique Alabaste

A lot of things have happened to Monique since her days at The Filthy Hippy. After a fire temporarily shut down the drinking establishment, Monique decided it was time to focus on some self-care. Unfortunately, there didn't seem to be many locations to do that in her neck of the woods. It was at that point that she took it upon herself to make it happen.

Monique is a very welcoming and soft-spoken person who has a knack for tending botanicals and reading auras. Though she means well, there are times when she can be a tad bit air-headed. Thankfully friends like JayJay help her stay focused... most of the time anyway.

First Appearance: #175 - Spiritual Searching 1 Last Appearance: #177 - Spiritual Searching 3
See all appearances of Monique Alabaste

Nicholle Saddler

Having grown up in a large family, she's always had a hard time finding her voice, let alone, feeling as though she was being heard. It's one of the reasons why her personality is very much 'in your face' and expects you to 'do what she wants' in order to get what she wants.

She has a uniquely abrasive personality where as she believes that what she thinks is best and everyone else needs to adjust themselves accordingly. She has a sense of superiority, thinking most people are idiots which can more often than not, cause her to be insufferable.

First Appearance: #216 - Erotic Expectations 1 Last Appearance: #224 - The Dresden Files 1
See all appearances of Nicholle Saddler

Ophelia Bennett

Dignitaries, ambassadors and diplomats. These are the sorts of people Ophelia has been rubbing elbows with ever since she was a child. Given that her parents come from a rather aristocratic background. She's prim, she's proper and she's pricese... that is unless she's spending time with her spouse Leslie. There's something about being with them that really sparks a feeling of freedom and wild abandon. To this day, her parents beg her to come back to London and join her family again. However Ophelia has no plans of leaving Leslie.

First Appearance: #145 - Old Wounds 4 Last Appearance: #146 - Old Wounds 5
See all appearances of Ophelia Bennett

Riley Walker

Riley lives and breathes video games. So it was no surprise to his father that very early on, he declared that he would pursue a career in professional gaming. Lance being a supportive father, encouraged his son to follow his dream. His only request was to make sure that he had a plan B. Thankfully for Riley, said plan B wasn’t necessary in the end and he was able to make a modest living doing various events, tournaments, and livestreams.

First Appearance: #103 - Hobby Hunting 3 Last Appearance: #173 - The Gift Giving Gaffe 5
See all appearances of Riley Walker

Rose Zhou

Rose comes from a long line of athletes. Runners, swimmers, ballet dancers. There was even a member of her family that held the title of champion surfer in the region. However for Rose herself, she was more interested in the 'behind the scenes' of what goes on for athletes.

This drove her to study journalism, which she pursued at a prestigious college. This helped her obtain her Bachelors in Journalism and Mass Communication. It's during these studies that she met her husband who was studying to become an electrician. The two have been together ever since.

Rose has been described as being blunt and to the point. She typically doesn't warm up to people unless she's gotten to know them. She usually lets her hair down (both figuratively and literally) when visiting the Titular Films compound.

First Appearance: #192 - The Resilient Rich Recalcitrant 2 Last Appearance: #223 - Erotic Expectations 8
See all appearances of Rose Zhou

Roxanne Smith

A regular in the protesting scene, Roxanne is an avid advocate for women's rights, animal rights, the environment and dismantling capitalism. The latter is a constant weight of irony for her since she typically toils in a department store.

She's kind of aloof when it comes to what she wants to do with her life in the long term. She's always been a "Here and now" kind of person. She only just recently began planning for the future after coming to terms with some things in her life. Her goal is to become a scientist like Abby Sciuto from NCIS.

First Appearance: #4 - Humble Beginnings 4 Last Appearance: #179 - The Birthday Boy 1
See all appearances of Roxanne Smith

Sabra Cohen

Local historian who works for The Daily Dispatch. Her stories tend to focus mostly on historical sites, buildings and (every so often) a paleontology discovery. She's a major history buff who incidentally, acquired ownership a local renaissance fair.

She loves to have fun but is also not afraid to put a serious face on should the need arise. This tends to happen when Sunny and Addison are around.

First Appearance: #192 - The Resilient Rich Recalcitrant 2 Last Appearance: #214 - The Career Contemplation 13
See all appearances of Sabra Cohen

Saldura Holbock

Sal is an extremely intuitive and dedicated reporter. They have spent a lot of time and finances in making sure they have some of the best equipment a freelance reporter can have. Unfortunately they haven’t been able to gain any traction in the field of professional journalism, despite having written some highly praised articles in the local paper. Their main source of income is an online cat blog where they write nothing but puff pieces about cats and cat-related material. They hate their job with a passion.

First Appearance: #130 - The Eco Warriors 5 Last Appearance: #196 - The Resilient Rich Recalcitrant 6
See all appearances of Saldura Holbock

Sebastian Okada

Bartender and flirt extraordinaire. Sebastian has always prided himself in being a people-person, which tends to come in handy behind a bar. Originally Sebastian had intended to become a chemist but his ambitions changed when he went to a bar one day and developed a romantic relationship with the bartender there.

Although the relationship didn't last, his passion for mixing drinks stayed and he decided to switch careers and focus on becoming a fully licensed bartender. He often says there's very little difference between chemistry and mixology.

First Appearance: #39 - The Wedding 4 Last Appearance: #202 - The Career Contemplation 1
See all appearances of Sebastian Okada

Shin Jun

Former lead guitarist in the band Mercy's Fist, Shin was an unapologetic, brash sex symbol. Heavily influenced by Heather, he cared very little for the consequences of his actions and was responsible for a lot of broken hearts. After realizing that he didn't like what he had become, he severed ties with the band and moved back into his former home town.

Along with Heather and Zoey, he was best friends with John and they would hang out and jam together all the time. Shin prefers more of a mellow and acoustic sound opposed to his time with Mercy's Fist. He also enjoys sailing and fishing. So much in fact that he actually lives on a yacht with the money he's saved.

First Appearance: #77 - The Ex 2 Last Appearance: #140 - The Final Frontier 7
See all appearances of Shin Jun

Sunny Khaaz

Adult film star extraordinaire; Sunny has her fingers in a considerable number of pies and in both literal and metaphorical senses. She is the co-owner of Titular Films, whose main purpose is to give porn a good (and sometimes complex) story.

She's very 'in your face' and isn't afraid to tell you exactly what's on her mind. She has had to endure a fair amount of terrible experiences in her career in the porn industry but her persistence and resilience helped her get through it all. Her dream is to produce the most celebrated and expensive pornographic movie ever made. Though, she's relegated this to being a pipe dream.

First Appearance: #204 - The Career Contemplation 3 Last Appearance: #222 - Erotic Expectations 7
See all appearances of Sunny Khaaz

Susan Davenport

For most of her life, Susan spent her life picking herself up by the bootstraps. She wasn’t one to adhere to social norms and made it a point to get jobs that reflected this. She worked as a bellhop, a truck driver and a carpenter. She found her true calling when she began to work at a construction company, working her way up to the position of site manager. Which was rather helpful because raising four kids is no easy task! Luckily Harold was a big help in that aspect.

Susan has since been pretty happy with where her life led and is happy to spend her later days with her husband just enjoying the fruits of their labor. Though she’d wish Harold would settle down in trying to get their kids to go in a particular direction. She always believed that they should be happy with their kids wherever they go.

First Appearance: #162 - The Reunion 4 Last Appearance: #163 - The Reunion 5
See all appearances of Susan Davenport

Tommy Pantusso

Tommy is the lead guitarist and vocalist for The Breman Avenue Experience. He's a very mellow guy with a relaxed view on most everything. When not doing band-related activities, he loves enjoy more recreational types of activities. The kind that tends to happen with lots of smoke and relaxed half opened eyes.


Weed. Tommy likes doing weed a lot.

First Appearance: #53 - The Beach 6 Last Appearance: #82 - The Ex 7
See all appearances of Tommy Pantusso

Wendy "The Infomaniac"

Largely considered a 'human encyclopedia', Wendy tends to be a repository of seemingly random bits of information. It usually tends to be factoids that center around her home Metro City. From knowing about the first airport ever constructed, to the very number of people that 'The Soup Lady' threw out of her line for too much public affection, she has it all in her brain.

She is filled with boundless energy and is eager to explain the history of almost anything if someone is looking to learn. She can typically be found wearing the information attendant uniform her employer gave her

First Appearance: #205 - The Career Contemplation 4 Last Appearance: #206 - The Career Contemplation 5
See all appearances of Wendy


Yosha is the mysterious cool guy of the group, not much is known about him. What little we know about him includes: He's a part of a band, he moonlights as a lifeguard and he has a SWEET Jewfro.

He's a man of very little words with a surprising amount of knowledge as well as connections in various places. There's a rumor going around that he's some sort of government informant or secret agent. These rumors have yet to be confirmed.

First Appearance: #4 - Humble Beginnings 4 Last Appearance: #176 - Spiritual Searching 2
See all appearances of Yosha


Wrestling enthusiast, professional referee and amature vampire. These are just some of the words that describe Zephyr. He’s a rambunctious type that loves to talk to people. During the day, he talks all about his favorite events in wrestling history and some of his favorite moments refereeing some matches. But at night? ….Well he’s still the same but he tends to dabble in the vampire lifestyle! Okay, let’s be real here. He calls it a ‘vampire lifetsyle’ but in reality he simply dresses in overtly fancy goth clothes and has outfitted his apartment to be the most gothic of dens, much to his landord’s dismay.

He’s a good guy though he can get a little one track minded when it comes to certain things. Sometimes friends like Kel and John have to bop him on the head to get him back on track. He’s come to appreciate such gestures because even he acknowledges his lack of focus.

First Appearance: #159 - The Reunion 1 Last Appearance: #188 - Wrestling The Competition 5
See all appearances of Zephyr

Zoey Tucker

When she performed as a bassist for Mercy's Fist, her personality was wild, in-your-face and unapologetic. In reality, Zoey is much more reserved. She enjoys classic rock and would much rather have a quiet evening plucking away at her guitar. She also has a bit of a nerdy side, one she typically indulges in with very close friends.

First Appearance: #77 - The Ex 2 Last Appearance: #223 - Erotic Expectations 8
See all appearances of Zoey Tucker