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#123 - A Test of Friendship 3

I've come to realize that Shadowrun is a labor of love. I personally enjoy the setting but the rules and game mechanics can get pretty daunting at times. That being said, it's certainly not impossible and definitely worth a read-up at least. It certainly looks like Heather is getting into the swing of things! Though she might want to focus on game mechanics first...
2020-06-03 21:10:46 
Wowww...that is a hell of a lot of work for sure. Heh I doubt I'd have enough time to play a game like that.
2020-06-09 09:45:09 
It requires a lot of time to understand the mechanics, let alone how to create a character within the rules XD
Opus the Poet
2020-06-08 01:39:19 
As a singular data point, I made a character based on myself and projecting what I would be like in the 6th world, and everyone agreed we got it wrong 3 times before the current character. It's super hard to get a character right in Shadowrun.
2020-06-09 09:45:23 
Ooof, believe me, I know the feeling x.x
2020-06-09 15:09:02 
I have seen other folks reccomend Blades in the Dark as a more accessible alternative to Shadowrun. The base game is fantasy or gaslamp fantasy, but hacking in a magitek setting doesn't seem too difficult. Another alternative for heist style games is Dusk City Outlaws, which already has a cyberpunk spinoff called Neon City Outlaws.
2020-06-09 16:45:55 
Whoa, those are some alternatives I've never even heard of! I'm gonna check those out! THank you so much!
2020-06-11 04:06:23 
Eh, it's not THAT complicated... but then again, my friends call me the walking rulebook... If you want to see what needlessly complicated looks like, I suggest FATAL, but be warned, it has been said that just reading the book is torture (and not because it's complicated. that "game" has its reputation for a reason)
2020-06-11 15:47:34 
Ooof duly noted. I envy you though, I wish I had a 'walking rulebook' mentality. I'm always geared up with guides and notes to help me remember how any given game works XD
2023-02-14 12:08:21 
As a fan of dnd 4e to this day, this really really hurt
2023-02-15 15:04:42 
When I played D&D every single week with a group, many years ago, for some strange reason, they felt an unbridled hatred towards 4th edition. So much so that the group skipped 4th entirely and jumped straight into 5th before jumping back to 3.5. That visceral reaction sorta stuck with me as you can see by this page. Personally I've got nothing against 4th edition XD